Immigration Law

Case Results
Our client escaped from his home country of Honduras due to years of discrimination and persecution due to his sexual orientation. His story tugged at our heartstrings due to the years of abuse and torment he faced at the hands of the Honduras society. Today, he proudly calls himself an Asylee of the United States in route to residency in one year and a day!
Our client escaped from her home country of the Dominican Republic in 2012 due to years of domestic violence and abuse at the hands of her aggressor. Our client faced multiple attacks both emotionally and physically. After a denial at the Boston Immigration Court, our litigation team appealed this case to the Board of Immigration Appeals and ultimately to the First Circuit, our victory in this case marked a fundamental change for victims of domestic violence and created precedent in our Circuit. Today, after years of fighting our client was granted her Asylum!
Our client escaped from her home country of Guatemala in 2007 due to years of domestic violence and abuse at the hands of her grandmother and sexual assault at the hands of her cousin. Our client faced multiple attacks in her infancy and carried those emotional scars and wounds through most of her life. both emotionally and physically. After a denial at the Boston Immigration Court, our litigation team appealed this case to the Board of Immigration Appeals and ultimately to the First Circuit, our victory in this case marked a fundamental change for victims of domestic violence and created precedent in our Circuit. Today, after years of fighting our client was granted her Asylum!
Our client entered the United States in 1987 and lived most of his life without any legal status. Due to some criminal interactions, he was later detained by ICE in 2014 and later released from South Bay correctional facility after a successful bond fight and win by our Detained Team. Following his bond, he applied for and was granted NACARA before the Immigration Judge in Boston in 2016. Today after years of anticipation he took the oath to become a Citizen of the United States.
Our client entered the United States in 1998 and was immediately placed in proceedings, she did not receive notice of her hearing and was ordered removed in her absence. Following her removal, TPS for El Salvadoreans was released and she was able to apply and have TPS status for 20 plus years. Our office successfully reopened her deportation, advised her to travel on Advance Parole and apply for a Petition & Adjustment of Status via her 21 year old son. Today after years of patience, she obtained her residency.
Client Reviews
Felicidades, es la mejor abogada estoy muy agradecido por mis papeles muchas gracias Dios la bendiga, le mande muchos mas exitos y salud.. saludos.
Gracias protejer con la comunidad Dios les bendiga su trabajo.
Gracias por toda su ayuda y dedicación de su gente y su experiencia en ayudar a la comunidad gracias abogada.
Gracias a usted por que ha podido darlos nuestros sueños Franklin y yo estamos mas que agradecidos. You guys are the best that's my momma and my aunt thank you for making her dream come true and ours too your the best!!!
We are VERY happy with her services! She helped my husband through the most difficult time of his life and we will forever be thankful.
Definitivamente agradecido del trabajo hecho por el buffete de abogados de Johanna Herrero me dieron la esperanza de que había una luz al final del túnel y con perseverancia se logra lo imposible si hubiese más 💫 le...
Dios les bendiga grandemente.
Felicitaciones por este servicio a la comunidad Latina, bendiciones!!
Te aprecio mucho, valoro tu trabajo.
Muchas felicidades para todos ustedes son un excelente equipo que sigan cosechando éxitos 🙏😘 muchas bendiciones.
Muchas felicidades para el equipo de Abogados.
Felicidades! Se lo duro que trabaja usted y su equipo. Bien merecido!!!
Felicidades abogada y a todo su equipo dios les bendiga siempre.
En un momento como este es bueno tener personas que defiendan los derechos de uno. Yo tuve un hijo detenido y la Abogada Johanna y el Abogado John trabajaron muy fuertes para solucionar el caso. En una ocasión yo estaba...
La mejor abogada de inmigración! Estoy feliz y me siento bendecido de haberla encontrado. Ella y su equipo son profesionales que lo dan todo por sus clientes. Yo pensaba que no tenía nada que hacer con mi caso y ellos me...